Thursday, November 13, 2014

warm up paragraph

With the look and feel locked down, and a sense for how we wanted the scene to move, we ran a quick 3D test to make sure that the action worked before we dove into the weeds on the scene. This shot was entirely recreated with 2D software and cut outs once we were comfortable with the movement. While the motion test was under way, we began building our model so that we could have giant stacks of money reaching up to the heavens. We photographed about 50 bucks scattered over a paper mache mound then cut and colored it in Photoshop. With all the separate pieces in place, we layered all the background images and character animation into the After Effects file. There were about a BILLION layers in the file! Here’s what it looks like altogether before we add the final spit shine and lighting.

Monday, November 3, 2014

The emotion is being Happy and good
I say these emotions because hes happy about eating and learning about nutrition foods

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

                                             Joshua Graham

How to use photo booth and Photoshop to create a “Selfie with a celebrity”?

Step 1: Go to safari, Firefox, or Google Chrome and find a picture to use.
Step 2: Screenshot the picture by holding “command, shift & “4”

Step 3: Open the Photoshop app.

Step 4: find the picture you screen shotted and drag it to the Photoshop app.

Step 5: Once you seen your picture on the Photoshop app, hold “s” & the “option” key, let go and click the face or the the thing you wanna clone.

Step 6: Move to the side you want to out your clone, click and hold and move the mouse button in circles until you see the face and everything else to appear,

Step 7: Congratulations you’ve made a clone.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

assignment recap


 I'd first like you to go to BLOGGER.COM, and sign up for a new account. 

Periods 4, 5, 7, and 8 - Hierarchies and Elements of Animation
1.) WARM UP - On your blog, please post definitions for the following terms, from sources that you find on the Internet:  Also include one or more sentences translating that definition into simple, common terms, whenever possible.

-  Hierarchy

-  Parenting (computer graphics)

-  Key frame

-  Playblast.

Watch the GorillaCG video on hierarchy, below.

TASK 1:  After you have successfully signed up for your blog, return here
TASK 2: Write your first blog entry.
  Part I.  Post images and write about work you completed in weeks 1 & 2.  Below are examples of work we've done.

2. Mr. Webb demonstration:  Open the simplified human models, and parent sections of the body to establish a hierarchy.
[MAYA 2014 process:  select the child object; hold shift and select the parent, then press 'p'--both objects should light up]

3. Animate a 48 frame walk cycle, run cycle, and freestyle animation.

4. Students render a play blast and post to their blog portfolios.

[End of Tasks for Periods 4, 5, 7, and 8]

- Watch ALL the GorillaCG Project videos here:

-  How To Render a Playblast Tutorial  (albeit for an older version of Maya):