Thursday, May 28, 2015

Week 19 - LAST 14-15 Research & Design project. (The Final is next week) 1b

It shows a quote thats saying you have the power    Source:
It shows a quote saying never stop learning
It shows a words that are going in circles
It shows elements from the periodic table
It shows people riding on a truck and talks about college on it
It shows a 13th annual conference
It shows french words and examples
It shows a vegetarian food pyramid
It shows an educational quote with a cat

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Week 19 - LAST 14-15 Research & Design project. (The Final is next week) TASK 1a

Promotional Poster- Promotional material, events, or ideas are designed to increase the sales of a product or service.

It shows a guy listening to headphones by doug
It shows a poster with beer
It shows a poster with orange sodas
It shows a star wars poster and alot of people transformed there selves to a darth vader shape 
It shows a poster that is a quote thats saying we were warned      Source:www.fanpop.comPromotional 

Poster- Promotional material, events, or ideas are designed to increase the sales of a product or service.
It shows a poster with a quote

It shows a King Kong poster

                                                        It shows tents and a wood with fire

It shows a biscuit covered in syrup

It shows a poster on to learn how to drive

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Week 16a Information Graphics Design DEFINITION AND SENTENCES

Infographics- are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly.

Sentences: Infographic are graphic visual representations of data that are intended to present complex information quickly and clearly.

The best infographic designers use basic principles of design to support the information presented and to make it more easily accessible to a larger audience or to target one particular audience over another.