Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Week 19 - LAST 14-15 Research & Design project. (The Final is next week) TASK 1a

Promotional Poster- Promotional material, events, or ideas are designed to increase the sales of a product or service.

It shows a guy listening to headphones by doug       Source:m00383009.wordpress.com
It shows a poster with beer    Source:gwaphic.com
It shows a poster with orange sodas      Source:speshfruitsquash.wordpress.com
It shows a star wars poster and alot of people transformed there selves to a darth vader shape    Source:churchm.ag 
It shows a poster that is a quote thats saying we were warned      Source:www.fanpop.comPromotional 

Poster- Promotional material, events, or ideas are designed to increase the sales of a product or service.
It shows a poster with a quote    Source:cargocollective.com

It shows a King Kong poster     Source:tupain58.com

                                                        It shows tents and a wood with fire   Source:www.annamonroe.me

It shows a biscuit covered in syrup        Source:cargocollective.com

It shows a poster on to learn how to drive        Source:theorytestpro.co.uk

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