Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Week 2 - Signs & Visual Communication, Part 2a - Elements of Design (Adobe Illustrator CS6)

1. Calligram- a word or piece of text in which the design and layout of the letters creates a visual image related to the meaning of the words themselves.

sentence: is shows a spider with letters on it

There are words shaped in a camera

It shows a dog with words on it

2.Pictogram- a pictorial symbol for a word or phase. Pictograms were used as the earliest known form of writing, examples having been discovered in egyptand mesopotamia from before 3000 BC


                                                    It shows a big red sign

                                                        It shows a one way sign going left

                                                              It shows a no dogs sign

3.Rebus- a puzzle in which words are represented by combinations of pictures and individual letters; for instance, apex might be represented by a picture of an ape followed by a letter X.                                            


It shows a goodbye word going down

                              It shows the word aid three times and a arrow pointing at the first one

It shows the word bout three times with roman numerals on the side

1 comment:

  1. This assignment has three tasks, with three parts for each task. First, define the term (Calligram, Pictogram, and Rebus). Second, post and give a captioned description of 3 picture examples. And third, copy and explain the two examples given on the class blog. Here, you have one picture example and a descriptive definition, which is insufficient. Please revise and send me a notification of your changes via email.
    Thank you.
